Squarehouse Commentary™ is the world's first data warehousing metadata management platform focused on Microsoft Analysis Services helping to connect developers, subject matter experts and end users.
Squarehouse Commentary gives developers the tools they need to track and communicate Microsoft Analysis Services (SSAS) data model changes over time. It enforces that documentation and metadata management be a part of the development lifecycle, but simplifies it by providing the roadmap of what actually changed.
Subject Matter Experts
Squarehouse Commentary's simple, clean interface and intuitive inline editor allow subject matter experts and data stewards to navigate and update data model documentation quickly and easily. Its extensible metadata model now gives them the power and freedom to add all of the nuance and real-world translation often missed by developers.
End Users
Squarehouse Commentary is the only metadata platform for Analysis Services that publishes its documentation back into the cube. End users now have unprecedented access to your data warehouse semantic layer directly from the reporting tools they already use. Increase adoption through increased understanding!